Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

ZE:A completes 1 year anniversary fan concert in blistering cold

ZE:A celebrated their one-year anniversary with a surprise guerilla concert for their fans on January 15th.
Held in front of the Migliore Mall, the boys planned the special event in an effort to ‘return to their rookie mindsets’.
Battling the -16°C temperature, their 300 fans fought the cold right alongside them and cheered the boys on as they performed a total of six tracks, including “Mazeltov,” “All Day,” “My Only Wish,” and “Level Up.”
Although they originally only planned to sing three songs for a 20 minute mini-concert, the boys decided to extend it as a gift for the fans who waited for them in the blistering cold.
The boys already have experience with guerrilla tours, as they traveled across the nation prior to their debut in order to get their name known.
Leader Junyoung commented, “Performing on a wing car again felt refreshing today. Before our debut, this car felt so big, but now that we have more experience being on stage, this car feels very small now.
Kwang Hee continued, “Thank you to all our fans who came out in the cold,” while Minwoo added, “I still can’t believe it’s been a year since we’ve debuted.
Senior labelmates V.O.S also made a surprise appearance and sang their hit tracks, “It’s a Big Deal,” and “Look in my Eyes and Talk to Me,” in celebration of the group’s anniversary.
ZE:A will be making their comeback next month with their first full official album.
Source + Photos: Mydaily via Daum

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